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How To Play NYT Connections 2024

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nyt connections companion

Tips on How to play NYT Connections

How To Play NYT Connections

How To Play NYT Connections or Connections NYT – So the New York Times is testing a new game it’s called Connections.  it’s a   pretty fun game I’m going to teach you how to play it.

let’s play today’s connections,   so for how to play it is very very simple. its
given you 16 words and you have to find four groups each with four items, that share something
in common with that group.

So with these 16 words   you’re looking for four words that have something
in common four times, and the way they’ve laid out   the puzzle they’ve made it tricky where you don’t necessarily know exactly what the grouping is,   and you’re only allowed to make four mistakes or you lose.

How To Play Connections


Now the groupings are usually really   specific not really General that’s the trick of
it, and also some of the groupings are easier than   others. makes sense? if it doesn’t it doesn’t
matter let’s play. so you look at this and you   go okay well let’s see we have Portugal we have
Denmark we’ve got Poland and we’ve got Greece they   could all be countries,

You can always refer to the following blog to get more insights.

Although there is Holland there so since you need four and there’s five,   you don’t want to be wrong. what could the grouping be? I don’t know. looking at it   actually here’s another thing I think Cruise as in Tom Cruise, Tom Holland Tom Waits and   Tom Petty.

I think that’s the first one, so Tom Petty Tom Waits Tom Holland Tom Cruise submit  great we got it, and we got the blue level one there’s four different levels four different  colours. now that we got that Holland out of the way I think it helps a lot to go Portugal Denmark  Poland and Greece are 4 countries. so let’s submit that did we get those great.

Now we got the toms,   we got the European countries, what would these remaining eight have to do with each other? how   about to Parrot somebody is the same thing as to mimic somebody which is the same thing as an   echo and maybe to copy so let’s put all of them together.

I think that’s pretty straightforward   good. and we got synonyms for imitate
and that leaves the last four which is  livid mild mix and Dill I don’t know what are these chips or pickle flavour.   words spelled with Roman numerals,  That was a hard one.

How To Play Connections – Tips

The connections are presented in a 16 words grid with 4 x 4 words. Your task is to arrange the words into four groups with meaningful connections. The groups could be things like SciFi movie, animal kingdom, rappers, type of serial characters.

Each puzzle has only one solution. You should be careful when it comes to selection of words and finding connections. The words might fit into more than one group, shuffle the words to helps you see the links between them.

Select four words you think go together and press Submit. If you make a guess and you’re incorrect, you’ll lose a life. If you’re close to having a correct group, you might see a message telling you that you’re one word away from getting it right, but you’ll still need to figure out which one to swap.

If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with the help of some hints, and, if you’re really struggling, today’s Connections answers.

Anyways that’s a fun game  and I really think that this game has some longevity in the world of New York Times games.

If you got any questions on it let me know in comment section.

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Make sure to share with friends! See you tomorrow. 

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