
The information provided on this website, NYTConnectionTips.com, is intended for educational purposes only. The content is based on strategies and tips shared by various sources and users who have played the New York Times Connections game. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful advice, the success of using these tips may vary from player to player.

The website does not guarantee success in the game, nor does it provide any form of assistance or support in completing the game. The tips and strategies are shared as a means to enhance the user’s understanding and enjoyment of the game. Users are encouraged to use their own discretion and judgment when applying these tips.

Furthermore, the website does not have any affiliation with The New York Times or the Connections game. Any references to the game or its mechanics are for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by The New York Times.

By using the information provided on this website, users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for their actions and decisions. The website and its contributors shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from the use of the information provided.

Please note that the game’s rules and mechanics may change over time, and the tips provided here may become outdated. Users are advised to check the official game rules and updates for the most current information